It’s not a bad offering, but it felt light. There are a few developer diaries, some Home rewards, a PlayStation 3 Theme, and Trophy support for all three games. Both Legend and Anniversary have had minor graphical overhauls, but don’t expect to see a wealth of bonus content flood your PS3 the instant you pop in the disc.

There’s not much to find in this collection that you wouldn’t find by purchasing the games individually. It’s a convenient way to catch up on Lara Croft’s dangerous affairs, especially for people like me who haven’t kept up with the series since its first outings on the original PlayStation. Tomb Raider Trilogy crams Tomb Raider Legend (PS2), Tomb Raider Anniversary (PS2), and Tomb Raider Underworld (PS3) all onto one Blu-ray disc. For those of you that missed out on some of the recent Tomb Raider adventures, you’re in luck.